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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The causes and effects of globalization
The circumstances and end results of globalization Presentation Globalization is the reconciliation of world societies and economies. Regardless of whether mindful of it or not individuals wherever are seeing and adding to the globalization procedure all over the place. It impacts social orders, legislative issues and lifestyles around the globe and is driven by human movement, universal exchange and joining of money related markets. Albeit as of late on the ascent because of gigantic mechanical headways there is nothing surprising about globalization. Indeed, even in the Middle Ages wayfarers, for example, Ibn-e-batuta and marc-o-polo began it off with epic excursions and getting back with stories of various societies and spots. Exchange drives globalization today, current transportation and media communications have made it simpler to fare and import from faraway spots. Joined in decent variety this is the maxim of the European Union which started as an understanding between six nations with the objective of making enduring provincial piece. The enormous star of globalization today is without a doubt the web empowering relational correspondence and business exchanges surprisingly fast; it has changed our reality in just a couple of years. Movement assumes a significant job on the planets economy, the World Bank gauges show that transients in created nations sent home in excess of 223 billion dollars to their families in creating nations in 2005. Some conventional depictions of globalization and monetary globalization include: Definitions Globalization: It is the procedure by which local economies, social orders, and societies have gotten coordinated through a worldwide system of political thoughts through correspondence, transportation, and exchange. The term is most firmly connected with the term monetary globalization: the reconciliation of national economies into the worldwide economy through exchange, outside direct speculation, capital streams, movement, the spread of innovation, and military nearness. Nonetheless, globalization is generally perceived as being driven by a mix of monetary, innovative, socio social, political, and organic components. The term can likewise allude to the transnational dissemination of thoughts, dialects, or mainstream society through cultural assimilation. A part of the world which has experienced the procedure can be supposed to be globalized. Monetary Globalization: Monetary globalization alludes to expanding financial reliance of national economies over the world through a fast increment in cross-outskirt development of merchandise, administration, innovation and capital. It is the way toward expanding financial joining between nations, prompting the development of a worldwide commercial center or a solitary world market. Contingent upon the worldview, globalization can be seen as either a positive or a negative marvel. Monetary globalization contains the globalization of creation, markets, rivalry, innovation, and partnerships and businesses. While financial globalization has been happening for the last a few hundred years, it has started to happen at an expanded rate in the course of the last 20-30 years. This ongoing blast has been to a great extent accounted by created economies incorporating with less created economies, by methods for remote direct venture, the decrease of exchange hindrances, and the modernization of these creating societies. Impacts of Globalization: Globalization has different viewpoints which influence the world in a few distinct manners Mechanical rise of overall creation markets and more extensive access to a scope of outside items for purchasers and organizations, especially development of material and merchandise between and inside national limits. Global exchange produced merchandise expanded in excess of multiple times (from $95 billion to $12 trillion) in the a long time since 1955. Budgetary rise of overall monetary markets and better access to outer financing for borrowers. By the early piece of the 21st century more than $1.5 trillion in national monetary forms were exchanged every day to help the extended degrees of exchange and speculation. As these overall structures developed more rapidly than any transnational administrative system the unsteadiness of the worldwide monetary foundation significantly expanded as prove by the budgetary emergency of 2007-2010. Financial acknowledgment of a worldwide normal market, in light of the opportunity of trade of merchandise and capital. The interconnectedness of these business sectors, notwithstanding, implied that a monetary breakdown in one region could affect different regions. With globalization, organizations can deliver products and ventures in the most reduced cost area. This may make occupations be moved to areas that have the most reduced wages, least specialist assurance and most reduced medical advantages. For Industrial exercises this may make creation move to regions with the least contamination guidelines or specialist wellbeing guidelines. Occupation Market-rivalry in a worldwide activity advertise. Previously, the monetary destiny of laborers was attached to the destiny of national economies. With the approach of the data age and enhancements in correspondence, this is not true anymore. Since laborers contend in a worldwide market, compensation are less reliant on the achievement or disappointment of individual economies. This has majorly affected wages and pay dissemination. Rivalry Survival in the new worldwide business showcase calls for improved profitability and expanded rivalry. Because of the market getting around the world, organizations in different enterprises need to redesign their items and use innovation capably so as to confront expanded rivalry. Social development of diverse contacts; appearance of new classifications of cognizance and characters which exemplifies social dispersion, the longing to expand ones way of life and appreciate outside items and thoughts, receive new innovation and rehearses, and take part in a world culture. Moral The making of the global criminal court and universal equity developments. Wrongdoing importation and bringing issues to light of worldwide wrongdoing battling endeavors and participation. The rise of Global authoritative law. End Globalization has been occurring for quite a long time and regardless of its perils it is a gigantic power for development and flourishing. We will finish up this conversation by introducing a fascinating work by Benjamin R. Stylist Jihad versus McWorld How Globalism and Tribalism Are Reshaping the World. Jihad versus McWorld is the title of a 1992 article that was later adjusted into a book by political researcher Benjamin R. Stylist, in which he advances a hypothesis that depicts the battle between McWorld (globalization and the corporate control of the political procedure) and Jihad (convention and customary qualities, as outrageous patriotism or strict universality and religious government). As monetary progressivism is the power behind globalization, this study is significant on an a lot bigger scope. Unregulated market powers experience parochial (ancestral) powers. These inborn powers come in numerous assortments: strict, social, ethnic, local, nearby, and so on. As globalization forces its very own culture on a populace, the inborn powers feel undermined and respond. Something beyond monetary, the emergencies that emerge from these encounters frequently take on a sacrosanct quality to the innate components; accordingly Barbers utilization of the term Jihad. Hair stylists forecast is commonly negative he reasons that neither worldwide enterprises nor conventional societies are steady of majority rules system. He further places that McWorld could eventually win the battle. He additionally proposes a model for little, neighborhood vote based establishments and community commitment as a desire for an option in contrast to these two powers.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Corporate Finance Capital and Funding
Question: Examine about the Corporate Finance Capital and Funding. Answer: Presentation The corporate account is characterized as a specific region of money that manages the financing source and the capital structure of the association and the exercises that the supervisors take for improving the estimation of the business to the investors (Brealey et al. 2012). Likewise, the corporate account is utilized as the instrument that helps in breaking down and apportioning the money related assets (Damodaran 2016). Consequently, the counseling firms for the most part give the money related guidance by utilizing the ideas of corporate fund. In this task, the association named National Australia Bank has been chosen so as to give monetary guidance with respect to the money related condition and budgetary situation of the firm in the current serious market. So as to offer monetary support to the firm, the foundation of the specific firm, its current budgetary standing including the data in regards to its offer worth, showcase worth and obligation to benefit proportion have been broke down. Notwithstanding these, the latest capital raising movement like obligation financing and value financing have likewise been concentrated in detail. In conclusion, contingent upon the monetary methodology of the specific association, the techniques for raising the organization reserves have likewise be broke down and as needs be guidance has been given to National Australia Bank with respect to raising assets and its money related situation in the market. Organization Background The association National Australia Bank is an open organization that is enrolled in the Australian Stock Exchange as NAB. The specific firm has a place with the banking and money related administrations area that was established in the year 1982 as National Commercial Banking Corporation of Australia Limited ( 2016). The predetermined firm is headquartered at Melbourne in Australia and serves across Australia, Asia and New Zealand. Andrew Thorburn is the CEO of the association, while, Kenneth R Henry AC is the Chairman of the firm. The principle items served by the firm National Australia Bank incorporate Business banking, Wholesale banking, Consumer Banking and Wealth the executives protection. According to the yearly report of the firm for the year 2015, the income was A$ 20.176 billion, the total compensation was A$ 6.357 billion and the complete resources were around A$ 945.0 billion ( 2016). Then again, according to the year 2016, the all out quantities of workers are 35,063 ( 2016). It has been discovered that the specific firm is considered as one of the four biggest fiscal establishments of the nation dependent on its market capitalization and purchasers. In the year 2014, National Australia Bank was positioned 21st biggest bank over the world dependent on its market capitalization and was positioned 41st biggest bank over the world dependent on its all out resources ( 2016). The specific firm has a sum of 1590 assistance communities and branches and around 4412 ATMs all through Australia, Asia and New Zealand that offers types of assistance to around 12.7 million customers ( 2016). Current Financial Condition of National Australia Bank The examination of the money related state of a firm encourages an investigator to comprehend the current circumstance of the firm and furthermore assists with evaluating its future (Coles, Lemmon and Meschke 2012). Contingent upon the verifiable execution and the present budgetary state of the firm, the future can be anticipated and examined. In view of this investigation, an organization ought to put resources into long haul or momentary objective as needs be. In addition, this monetary examination will likewise assist the firm with proofing its strength in regards to the two its budgetary and prudent status (Roberts and Whited 2012). Moreover, a positive aftereffect of the investigation will likewise assist the firm with attracting more financial specialists. In this manner, so as to more readily comprehend the present money related state of the association National Australia Bank, its reasonable worth, share worth and obligation to benefit proportion have been investigated. The market esteem is otherwise called showcase capitalization of a traded on an open market association. It is commonly accomplished by the increase of the quantity of remarkable stocks with the current cost of the offer. The market estimation of an association goes about as a decent pointer of the view of the financial specialists with respect to the possibilities of the business. The higher market esteem infers the firm has a more noteworthy valuation. It has been discovered that the market capitalization for the association National Australia Bank is AUD 71.151 billion ( 2016). This infers the specific firm has a higher valuation in the current market. Then again, from a nitty gritty chronicled study, it tends to be said that the offer cost of the firm National Australia Bank stayed consistent for an entire year that is from September 2015 till today (September 2016). During September 2015, the offer cost was around AUD 26.17 then it began to increment continually till December, 2015 and came to AUD 27.72 ( 2016). Be that as it may, the stock cost diminished positively to 25.39 in January 2016, however it again began to increment precipitously and according to today, the stock cost of the specific firm is AUD 26.78 ( 2016). From this, it tends to be said that the money related state of the firm is steady and because of its both practical and budgetary steadiness, more speculators will put their reserve and put resources into this firm National Australia Bank for gaining a more return. At the end of the day, it can likewise be said that because of its continually expanding share value, the val uation of the firm additionally advances with the progression of time. For the most part, the obligation to benefit proportion shows the measure of obligation of a firm in regard to its benefit rate. Consequently, it very well may be said that the lower the proportion will be it is better for the firm. Be that as it may, for the financial segment, the obligation to benefit proportion is similarly more than different ventures. It is about 3.1, however for the firm National Australia Bank, this proportion is proportionate to 2.62 ( 2016). This suggests the specific firm has a superior budgetary condition than some other banks in the present serious market. Late Capital Raising Activity It is a fundamental factor for each firm to raise or increment its capital, as it is the key component that causes the business to work and manage effectively. There are different exercises that help an association to raise its capital, be that as it may, the most valuable exercises incorporate value financing and obligation financing. Subsequently, it has been discovered that the firm National Australia Bank likewise executes this strategy for raising its capital. It has been discovered that the specific firm has actualized both the strategies. In this manner, the complete liabilities of the association expanded from $ 48197 million in the year 2014 to $ 55217 million in the year 2015 ( 2016). Also, from nitty gritty examination, it tends to be said that organizations stores and different borrowings have surely expanded from $ 374538 million in the year 2014 to $ 391785 million in the year 2015 ( 2016). This demonstrates National Australia Bank has decided on obl igation financing. Furthermore, it has been discovered that the value of the firm has likewise expanded from $ 48197 million out of 2014 to $ 55217 million in the year 2015 ( 2016). Additionally, the contributed value of National Australia Bank has unquestionably expanded from $ 27856 million to $ 34407 million in the year 2015 ( 2016). From this it very well may be said that National Australia Bank likewise actualizes the value financing. Monetary Strategy of National Australia Bank It has been discovered that there are different monetary methodologies that the greater part of the banks use so as to raise the assets of the specific association. These incorporate raising endeavor and development capital, merger and securing, divestitures, buyouts by the money related patrons, side projects, private positions and upset obligation (Flannery and Hankins 2013). The other money related methodologies incorporate mezzanine financings, capital rebuilding, purchase outs, right issues, debentures and organized venture and convertible items. Be that as it may, it has been discovered that the predefined firm National Australia Bank executes the accompanying budgetary methodologies including exchanging subordinates, monetary liabilities at reasonable worth, supporting procedures, demerger, acquisitions, divestments, raising endeavor, money related patrons, debentures and convertible items ( 2016). Subsequently, it very well may be said that by executing all these mo netary procedures inside the firm National Australia Bank, the association can augment the estimation of its investors. This additionally portrays the exhibition of the firm and decides the approaches to raise its working assets by expanding the arrival on speculations (Vernimmen et al. 2014). Then again, the monetary techniques examination causes the business to draw a reasonable picture in regards to the objectives and targets of the association. This additionally assists with distinguishing the objectives of the association and assists with keeping center around the gainfulness of the firm. In any case, the focal point of the financial techniques advisers for comprehend the business edge of the firm that is communicated regarding rates of benefit. The expanded measure of benefit causes the specific firm to procure more investors as the valuation of the organization builds (Waegelein and Finance 2014). All these assistance to build the market capitalization of the firm and in this way, it tends to be said that the execution of the money related systems in the general tasks of the firm assistance to improve its activities. In addition, the expanded valuation likewise enables the predetermined firm National Australia To bank to run better in the serious market as the high estimation of the firm assists with surveying the chance of achievement and genuine results. Moreover, the consolidation of the budgetary systems in the firm he
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Seeples Spotlight Sebastian Osorio COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Seeples Spotlight Sebastian Osorio COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The Office of Admissions is introducing our semesters new Program Assistants (PAs) to you in the form of self-interviews. Today meet Sebastian Osorio, who is currently pursuing his MPA with a concentration in Economic and Political Development. With a BA in Economics and a Graduate Certificate in Regional Development, his strong technical background allows him to move comfortably between sectors and organizations. Originally from Colombia, Sebastian started his career as a research assistant at the Colombian Central Bank where he understood the importance of public institutions to foster development. Wanting to have a more active role on policy decisions, he joined in 2009 the presidential campaign of Sergio Fajardo, an independent candidate who was the runner up in the 2010 presidential election. Since then, he has been working as a consultant, policy advisor and public servant helping to find solutions to inequality, violence and illegality, the main problems of his country. After SIPA, he plans to go back to Colombia to keep bringing about social change through an engagement in politics and public service. What were you doing before you came to SIPA? I did two things: I traveled the six months before coming to SIPA in an incredible experience through Oceania, Asia, America and Europe. And, I worked the previous three years as the Advisor/Assistant to Sergio Fajardo when he was the Governor of Antioquia, my home State (he is now running for President). I was in charge of managing Fajardos agenda, briefing him for all his meetings and visits around the state, and being with him at events. It was an incredible and exciting experience where I had the chance to learn the political, economic and social context of my region. It was a very demanding job, as I had to be everywhere with the Governor, leaving almost no room to actually sit down and work. However, I learned from a great politician about how to manage a public office successfully. What attracted you to SIPA and Columbia University? Three things attracted me to SIPA and Columbia University. First, the example of supervisors, coworkers and friends who had also been through a MPA here or in other Ivy Leagues school. They all thank their institutions for what they have achieved. Second, because I wanted to be in a cosmopolitan big city like New York. I did not see myself in a school in little town in the middle of nowhere. Third, SIPA offered a program where international students are half of the student body allowing me to meet people from everywhere in the world and connect with them. What experiences do you think prepared you at attend SIPA? On one end, having lived abroad in Australia and France before allowed me to open my mind. I do not struggle when I have to meet people from other nationalities or in other languages; I actually enjoy it and I love the diversity. On another front, an extended professional experience (compared to the SIPA average) that allowed me to learn from people with different skills, backgrounds and personalities. I’m able to better understand other peoples needs and concerns, and my experience gave me a better understanding of what classes to take and how to get the most from the MPA program. Have you taken classes at other Columbia Schools? I have taken two classes at Columbia Business School, Managerial Negotiations with Michael Slepian, and Power and Influence with Mabel Abraham. They both have been great. I highly recommend anyone at Columbia taking classes in a different school. You get a fresh and different perspective on many issues, you meet new people, and you explore the campus. I took both at CBS because I was very interested in how to build and manage relationships, and they have great faculty there. What’s your internship experience been like? I did my internship in Liberia in a grassroots organization called Camp for Peace. I got the internship through a class at SIPA called Applied Peacebuilding, where you are assigned a project from the beginning of the semester and work on it until you have your field trip in the summer. I lived there for 10 weeks and it was really challenging to be in one of the poorest countries in the world, working in very basic conditions. Nevertheless, it was incredibly gratifying to be able to help the organization to build their strategy to help war affected youth to become self-sufficient. I traveled around the country and I learned several things that can be applied to the peace process in Colombia. What has been the best part of your SIPA experience? The people I meet is the highlight of the experience. Yes, New York is incredible. Yes, SIPA and Columbia are amazing institutions. Yet, the people I have met at SIPA are the real treasure. I have an incredible and smart group of friends with a lot of diversity of countries, background and interests. Every day they have something interesting to do and to talk about. The academic experiences, the trips we have made, the parties, the discussions, the company we make to each other is what I will remember the most from SIPA. Click here to meet our other new PA, Tedros!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
An Overview of Game Theory in Sociology
Game theory is a theory of social interaction, which attempts to explain the interaction people have with one another. As the name of the theory suggests, game theory sees human interaction as just that: a game. John Nash, the mathematician who was featured in the movie A Beautiful Mind is one of the inventors of game theory along with mathematician John von Neumann. How Was Game Theory Developed? Game theory was originally an economic and mathematical theory that predicted that human interaction had the characteristics of a game, including strategies, winners and losers, rewards and punishment, and profits and cost. It was initially developed to understand a large variety of economic behaviors, including behavior of firms, markets, and consumers. The use of the game theory has since expanded in the social sciences and has been applied to political, sociological, and psychological behaviors as well. Game theory was first used to describe and model how human populations behave. Some scholars believe that they can actually predict how actual human populations will behave when confronted with situations analogous to the game being studied. This particular view of game theory has been criticized because the assumptions made by the game theorists are often violated. For example, they assume that players always act in a way to directly maximize their wins, when in reality this is not always true. Altruistic and philanthropic behavior would not fit this model. Example of Game Theory We can use the interaction of asking someone out for a date as a simple example of game theory and how there are game-like aspects involved. If you are asking someone out on a date, you will probably have some kind of strategy to â€Å"win†(having the other person agree to go out with you) and â€Å"get rewarded†(have a good time) at a minimal â€Å"cost†to you (you don’t want to spend a large amount of money on the date or do not want to have an unpleasant interaction on the date). Elements of a Game There are three main elements of a game: The playersThe strategies of each playerThe consequences (payoffs) for each player for every possible profile of strategy choices of all players Types of Games There are several different kinds of games that are studies using game theory: Zero-sum game: The players’ interests are in direct conflict with one another. For example, in football, one team wins and the other team loses. If a win equals 1 and a loss equals -1, the sum is zero.Non-zero sum game: The players’ interests are not always in direct conflict, so that there are opportunities for both to gain. For example, when both players choose â€Å"don’t confess†in Prisoner’s Dilemma (see below).Simultaneous move games: Players choose actions simultaneously. For example, in the Prisoner’s Dilemma (see below), each player must anticipate what their opponent is doing at that moment, recognizing that the opponent is doing the same.Sequential move games: Players choose their actions in a particular sequence. For example, in chess or in bargaining/negotiating situations, the player must look ahead in order to know what action to choose now.One-shot games: The play of the game occurs only once. Here, the players are likely to not know much about each other. For example, tipping a waiter on your vacation.Repeated games: The play of the game is repeated with the same players. Prisoner’s Dilemma The prisoner’s dilemma is one of the most popular games studied in game theory that has been portrayed in countless movies and crime television shows. The prisoner’s dilemma shows why two individuals might not agree, even if it appears that it is best to agree. In this scenario, two partners in crime are separated into separate rooms at the police station and given a similar deal. If one testifies against his partner and the partner stays quiet, the betrayer goes free and the partner receives the full sentence (ex: ten years). If both remain silent, both are sentences for a short time in jail (ex: one year) or for a minor charge. If each testifies against the other, each receives a moderate sentence (ex: three years). Each prisoner must choose to either betray or remain silent, and the decision of each is kept from the other. The prisoner’s dilemma can be applied to many other social situations, too, from political science to law to psychology to advertising. Take, for example, the issue of women wearing make-up. Each day across America, several million woman-hours are devoted to an activity with questionable benefit for society. Foregoing makeup would free up fifteen to thirty minutes for each woman every morning. However, if no one wore makeup, there would be great temptation for any one woman to gain an advantage over others by breaking the norm and using mascara, blush, and concealer to hide imperfections and enhance her natural beauty. Once a critical mass wears makeup, the average facade of female beauty is artificially made greater. Not wearing makeup means foregoing the artificial enhancement to beauty. Your beauty relative to what is perceived as average would decrease. Most women therefore wear makeup and what we end up with is a situation that is not ideal for the whole or for the indivi duals, but is based on rational choices by each individual. Assumptions Game Theorists Make The payoffs are known and fixed.All players behave rationally.The rules of the game are common knowledge. Resources and Further Reading Duffy, J. (2010) Lecture Notes: Elements of a Game., M.L and Taylor, H.F. (2009). Sociology: The Essentials. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Different Approaches For Human Resource Management Essay
The environment of business is changing continuously and along with this, the human resource team need to find which strategy could be effective for the organization. There could be two different approaches for human resource managers which are best practices as well as best fit model. The proponent of best practice model state a bundle of human resource policies that include reward system whereas the best fit approaches promotes that, reward system should be aligned to the strategy of the organization. The human resource team members need to identify the effective measures to run the organization smoothly. There several characteristics of best practices that could be applied to a firm. They could be employee development, fair promotion to employees based on performance, high commitment management, progression of individual career, a well structured recruitment process as well as friendly working environment. These bundles of activities are characterized as mutually compatible human resource activities that forge elevated levels of workforce competency, persuade motivation as well as commence a work design enhancing employee commitment. Best practice approaches universally support organization to achieve competitive advantages regardless of the setting of industry. Employee training plays a vital role for the development of an organization. It would increase the efficiency of an organization. The outcome or the performance of the staff would be high if they are moreShow MoreRelatedIntegrated Ecosystem Management1445 Words  | 6 Pages1. Introduction Integrated ecosystem management (IEM) is a modern and preferred way to manage ecosystem and natural resources. IEM aims to conserve major ecosystem services and restore natural resources, while meeting the socio-economic, political and cultural needs of current and future generations (Szaro, et al., 1998). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Methodology Free Essays
The study delves on integrating authentic video into the EFL Curriculum. In that case the researcher specifically aims to exemplify the use of authentic videos to contribute to the proliferation of knowledge. Gagne, says that â€Å"many professional think of instructional technology as a systematic way of designing, carrying out and evaluating the total process of learning and teaching†(p 12). We will write a custom essay sample on Methodology or any similar topic only for you Order Now  Furthermore, the study also converse on how elementary school teachers implement changes in the business of teaching. Carless (2003) said that â€Å"teachers are frequently required to implement pedagogic innovations†(p 2). To provide a picture as regards to planning and implementation of a task-based academic improvement is a very interesting part of the study. Accordingly, this research paper was geared to uplift the interest of the students to further concentrate on their studies with the use of visual presentations. To be able to motivate the students to learn is indeed a serious matter that is why, it is very essential to exhaust a lot of effort for them to be able to go beyond what is expected and be creative. Making available different tools such as videos, it was expected that the elementary students should learn more having this aid. By helping them realize their creativeness, it is important for them to depict what they saw in the videos.  In accordance with this, it is also important for the students to comprehend and interpret at the same time what they actually see. As the students process the films or the television shows effectively, they should practice dealing with the language and through which also help them to gain knowledge. Students are able to go together with their weaker skill with the visual support in text-format, thus, subtitles are also beneficial to go hand in hand with the video being played. With the help of such the students can easily grasp what they are watching and at the same time they can also make use of the words in their everyday life – real life. To be able to carry out this study, it is very beneficial to answer important queries concerning this subject matter and have a clear grasp on what is really trying to imply in this study. Given the fact that it is significant to take note the value of using authentic video in EFL curriculum, we – the writer and the reader should know what an authentic video is and what limitations therein. How can we use authentic video material? Basically, does the use of such, applicable with EFL curriculum? Does it contribute to oral production of the students? Would it be easier for the elementary teachers upon integrating authentic materials, to exemplify their sets of curriculum? Specifically, at what level it is very much applicable to adopt this system of teaching? Criteria in choosing an authentic material should be taken into consideration. Stempleski (1987) states that â€Å"each type of authentic video has both advantages and disadvantages when used as language learning material and it is helpful to review general features to look for when selecting authentic material†(p 7). It is excellent to take into account the language, the content, the subtitles, the production, etc. of a certain video if it does execute a good impact on the viewers and how will it be able to help students and also the teachers to meet as regards to the proficiency of the medium; on how it will contribute to oral production. How can these materials motivate the students? What probable chances do we have that the elementary students will increase their eagerness in dealing and exploring the medium? How will it also affect the teacher’s lessons? These are the essential issues we have to tackle as we go along with the research paper. As we answer every question, it will make us realize where we situate the integration of authentic materials – especially authentic videos. It is imperative to have a broad understanding as regards to these matters to be able strengthen the stability of the student’s learning process. The paper focuses also on the role of the teachers who will be responsible in delivering different techniques in teaching and on how they will be able to inculcate in the minds of their students the importance of having different avenues to master their subject matter – increase their oral production. On the other hand, the students likewise were expected to take into account the possible chances of upgrading their system as they make use of these so called â€Å"innovations in their system of learning†. In addition to this, the professors and the students was expected to appreciate new ideas that will help to augment the performance of the students. The researcher took effort in getting the attention of the students and the elementary teachers as regards to incorporate authentic video into EFL curriculum. It is necessary to have some insights as to what extent the teachers should integrate authentic materials. This is practically the focal point of the research paper and the concentration are mainly focused on how the students and the teachers will find the middle ground in order to uplift and make use of new technique – and that is integrating authentic video. Classroom observations were considered as a basic tool in making this study possible. After gathering different ideas as regards to the integration of authentic videos in EFL curriculum, some thoughts provide a clearer grasp enough to elaborate the importance of the study. In addition to this, many dissertations were also found and used in collating thoughts on related topic. Furthermore, the gathered information / materials were consolidated and come up with a straightforward analysis on the effects to 5th grade multi-leveled students on oral production as they integrate authentic videos into EFL curriculum. Accordingly, having the resources available at hand, it is expected to have a more articulate output on how were authentic materials contribute mainly to the exceptional growth of the students and the professors as well. It is true that there were lots of resources regarding this matter, but most important of all, it is still in the hands of the receiver on how they will accept modernism – and we’re talking about increase in oral production with the help of authentic materials – authentic video. The proliferation of this paper could help everyone to carry out different changes in their system, and in the case of the four walls of a classroom, additional teaching aid is necessary to truly enhance the capabilities of every students and not just limiting techniques in traditional system. How to cite Methodology, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Application of Discounted Cash Flow
Question: Discuss about the Application of Discounted Cash Flow. Answer: Introduction: As per the ratio analysis determined from the financial statements of TNO Limited, it can be said that the net profit ratio of the company declined in the current unaudited period compared to that of the previous year by around 9%. Similarly, return on assets of the company also declined by around 10%, which indicates that the capacity to generate revenue from the assets is not sufficient. Working capital ratio of the company reflected 1.91, which was higher in the previous audited financial year indicating that the value of assets has been declined in the current year to meet the current liabilities. According to the financial statements of the company, it can be said that the net income reflected declining trend in the current financial year. It has been observed that the revenue of the company also reflected 58% decline compared to that of the previous year 2009 indicating reduction in the overall expected rate of return. During the current financial year, it has been noticed that the solvency ratio of the company declined in the current year, which was 0.50 in the previous audited period that may lower the return on investment and increase the cost of capital structure (Knechel Salterio, 2016). On the contrary, liquidity ratio of the company reflected increased value in the current financial year, which reflects the ability of the company to convert resources in cash within short- term period (Lu, Wu Yu, 2017). Significant risks at specific account level Considering the non- current assets of the company, it can be said that the value of investments has been increased in the current year. Increase in value of investments has been measured through properties, which was valued by directors as per the basis of financial year 2010 (Kou, Peng Wang, 2014). Accordingly, it can be said that the investment valuation of the company reflected risk of decline in market value that may affect the true and fair view of the assets value. In addition, the account of intangible asset valuation reflects significant risk of correct valuation, appropriate amortization charges and value as per the current and fair market rates (Uechi et al., 2015). Explanation on indentifying the areas of significant risks While planning and performing analytical procedures, it is essential to measure the significant risk present in the financial statements to assess the materiality and relevance of the financial performance of the company. In the present case, the areas that have been considered for significant risks are investments and intangible assets other than overall income statement and balance sheet. The investment account has been identified for significant risk since it covers a significant area of companys asset and overall financial position. It is essential for a company to measure the appropriate and correct value of investments in accordance with the fair market value (Delen, Kuzey Uyar, 2013). In case of TNO Limited, investment of surplus funds and property market is principal business activities therefore it is essential to conduct appropriate audit test on the value of investments. It is important to conduct detailed valuation of the investment together with the current market value as well as interest rates along with the verification of accounting records of investment. On the other hand, valuation of intangible assets has been considered since it involves a significant area in the companys overall asset resources. Since, TNO limited has been involved in research and development of technologies, it is essential to consider appropriate value of intangible assets as per the current market structure. Reverence List and Bibliography Delen, D., Kuzey, C., Uyar, A. (2013). Measuring firm performance using financial ratios: A decision tree approach.Expert Systems with Applications,40(10), 3970-3983. Dudzi?ska-Bary?a, R., Michalska, E. (2015). Visualisations of the risk investment valuation and the level of inventory control using the GeoGebra software.Studia Ekonomiczne,247, 7-19. Knechel, W. R., Salterio, S. E. (2016).Auditing: assurance and risk. Routledge. Kou, G., Peng, Y., Wang, G. (2014). Evaluation of clustering algorithms for financial risk analysis using MCDM methods.Information Sciences,275, 1-12. Lu, L. Y., Wu, H., Yu, Y. (2017). Investment-related Pressure and Audit Risk.Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. Mohammed, M. I., Omirin, M. M., Singhry, I. M., Auwal, U. (2016). Application of discounted cash-flow (DCF) models in the valuation of investment properties in Nigeria.International Journal of the Built Environment and Asset Management,2(1), 25-36. Uechi, L., Akutsu, T., Stanley, H. E., Marcus, A. J., Kenett, D. Y. (2015). Sector dominance ratio analysis of financial markets.Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,421, 488-509.
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